Produced and directed by landscape artist, Jack Bailey, “CONTINUUM 01” is an abstract visual and sonic essay, recorded during a six-week journey traversing South America’s broken spine. From the southern reaches of Chilean Patagonia to Northern Argentina’s vast desert plains, this cinematic meditation takes the participant through the wormhole into an alternate vantage point on the interface between man and his manifested milieu. Disconnect from the demented devices that exist to exert ever increasing increments of influence through the dis-ease of distraction... force-feeding mass produced misinformation. Lift your head beyond your lap and witness the unfiltered wonder of the natural world.
Adding to the film's allure is the dark, emotive, and hypnotic soundtrack crafted by Vinnie LaDuce. The synergy between visual and auditory elements creates an immersive experience, drawing viewers into a trance-like state. LaDuce's synthesis of sound complements the visuals, amplifying the film's atmospheric intensity.
"CONTINUUM 01" is not merely a visual and auditory feast but a profound declaration—a testament to the power of nature to heal, inspire, and remind us of our intrinsic connection to the Earth. Through this cinematic experience, Jack Bailey invites us to step off the beaten path, leaving behind the manufactured realities of society, and embrace the uncharted territories of our own consciousness.
Witness the journey, feel the resonance, and let "CONTINUUM 01" be your guide to a world where the harmony of nature transcends the discord of the modern age.
“The more time we spend removed from the mediocrity of society, the less we depend upon it.”
Turn on, tune in, Drop out.